Blogs — Tea Lovers Forum

Anil Developer
The 3 Secret ways To Use Assam Tea this summer.

The 3 Secret ways To Use Assam Tea this summer.

Assam tea counts for one of the strongest black teas in the world. With robust malty flavor and high caffeine content it is usually drunk as a breakfast tea. But, Assam tea doesn't need to be drunk in the usual way to get all the benefits it can offer. Besides, if you like the taste of Assam, there is no better way to make your deserts and drinks more interesting and tasty. These ideas are great for garden parties or enjoying tea alone. Organic tea will give you the best health benefits, boost your energy and offer an amazing full...

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5 Best Herbal Teas to Relieve Menstrual Cramps in 2019

5 Best Herbal Teas to Relieve Menstrual Cramps in 2019

Menstruation is a bloody monthly problem. Excuse the pun. And, for some women, it’s a nightmarish 5-day long experience they’d wish they had a solution to.  So, here’s a thing about teas that unheard of. They can significantly help in relieving cramps and abdominal discomfort during menstruation. Below, we have discussed five types of teas that are instrumental in soothing period pain and can help women breeze through their monthly cycle with a smile.

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Dhrubajyoti Bormahalia
Everything You Need To Know About Importance Of Assam Tea.

Everything You Need To Know About Importance Of Assam Tea.

There is probably not a single tea lover in this world that hasn't tried Assam tea. Maybe you were not aware that the tea you are drinking comes from Assam because you could not recognize the taste, or the ingredients were simply marked as black tea. However, Assam tea is important ingredient in many black tea blends sold these days. Sometimes it's labeled as Indian tea, sometimes only as black tea. 

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Assamica Agro
Answered: Can Green Tea Cure Yeast Infection in 2019?

Answered: Can Green Tea Cure Yeast Infection in 2019?

Vaginal health is an intricate and thorny subject. As women, we know how frightening it’s when a diagnosis confirms a medical problem attacking down *there*. Out of all the infections that affect vaginal health, the most prevalent are yeast infections. An estimation says that almost 75% of women experience a yeast infection once in a lifetime. And, 40-45% of them have recurrent cases. 

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