Blogs — Tea Lovers Forum
Assamica Agro
5 Grooming Benefits of Tea That Will Make You Sip Through Hot Cups Even More
Who doesn’t love a great flowing mane? And, it’s relaxing to know that a thing as basic as black tea and green tea can help you have a luscious hair growth.
All you need to do is soaking up a cache in a bowl of water, pouring the mixture on hair, and rinsing it off after 10 minutes. Don’t forget to condition your hair after the complete therapy. While black tea prevents breakage, green tea adds strength to the follicles and promotes growth.
Anitha Pai
Assam tea in English Breakfast and other breakfast blends
English Breakfast tea is one of the most popular blends of tea. With history longer than 200 years, it doesn't surprise it is widely available and recognizable all around the world. English breakfast is usually created from strong robust malty Assam black tea, Ceylon teas and Chinese teas. Assam is one of the most suited teas for breakfast blends because of its high caffeine content and robust flavor. English Breakfast is a full-bodied tea that goes perfect with a dash of milk and paired with English morning dishes. It can be found in teabags, broken leaves or even full leaves....
Francis B
Beat Stress - One Cup of Tea at a Time
We all take our fair share of stress every single day – though with varying amounts. How we react to stress depends entirely on our mental focus and our physical well being. Two things usually happen when we are faced by stress – one, our whole day gets affected negatively, taking away our productivity and positive mood; or two, we laboriously go through all the rigors of our day, and slowly but surely finish all our responsibilities at work and at home. Thankfully, what you drink might give you a better fighting chance against stress. Specifically, healthy drinks such as Chamomile Green Tea...
Mindy A
How Did I Switch To Green Tea From Coffee?
I used to be a coffee drinker. I loved coffee. The smell, the taste, the wonderful jolt of caffeine as it began to work on my sleepy morning mind. But somewhere along the line I left coffee (even though I still love it) and became a green tea lover. I don’t remember a defining moment, (an aha! moment) when I made the switch. It was, after all, a long time ago. It was long before the health benefits of green tea were being touted in every magazine, newspaper, online and on the nightly news.
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