Blogs — Tea Review

Top 8 Benefits of White Tea You Must Know!

Top 8 Benefits of White Tea You Must Know!

The processing method is the real point of division between various teas made from ingenious Camellia Sinensis plant. What happens between plucking and processing of Sinensis leaves gives a unique taste, colour and aroma to each of the tea variety, from Green, black to oolong tea. However, white tea is one of the unusual types emerging from the parent Sinensis plant. It’s extracted from the silver-ish fine white hairs from the unopened plant buds, and undergoes basic withering through air drying or mechanical drying methods, thus requiring minimal processing. The resulting beverage is generally yellow in colour with a sweet,...

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A Know-it-all guide to Oolong Tea

A Know-it-all guide to Oolong Tea

Traditionally, Oolong Tea is considered a variant of Chinese tea, made from the leaves of Camellia Sinensis. Incidentally, the same plant is used to make black tea and green tea with the differentiating factor lying in the manner of their processing. The oolong tea derives a unique taste and colour from the partial oxidization of its leaves, a process which releases the enzymes in tea leaves.

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Assamica Agro
5 Grooming Benefits of Tea That Will Make You Sip Through Hot Cups Even More

5 Grooming Benefits of Tea That Will Make You Sip Through Hot Cups Even More

Who doesn’t love a great flowing mane? And, it’s relaxing to know that a thing as basic as black tea and green tea can help you have a luscious hair growth. All you need to do is soaking up a cache in a bowl of water, pouring the mixture on hair, and rinsing it off after 10 minutes. Don’t forget to condition your hair after the complete therapy. While black tea prevents breakage, green tea adds strength to the follicles and promotes growth.

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The Wholesome Hibiscus Tea: 7 Benefits & The Conditions It Cures Naturally

The Wholesome Hibiscus Tea: 7 Benefits & The Conditions It Cures Naturally

Hibiscus Tea is a time-honored, therapeutically rich cure for a range of health conditions. And, it isn’t something we’re saying out of an unfounded, self-elevating idea of this herbal brew, but medical researches, which has established the significant benefits of Hibiscus Tea. Historically, Hibiscus Tea was used to treat sore throat, heart diseases, and lower body temperature in African countries. However, studies have also looked into its potential to treat high cholesterol and blood pressure problems. We’ve hyperlinked a few of them further in this blog.  So, let’s dive in straight!

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